

Choosing an Active Hobby

Retirement is about resting from a lifetime of work, but that does not mean a person is restricted to sitting in a rocking chair. The...


Exercise and Mobility Issues

A lifetime of wear and tear on a person’s body might leave them with issues when it comes to exercise, but modern science has found...


A New Look at Exercise

The benefits of retiring after a lifetime are often seen as a way to slow down and change focus. Many people have plans for their...


Embracing Electronics

The world has changed greatly for those who have retired over the last few decades, and some of them have avoided learning anything about modern...


Hearing Loss In Team Sports

Participating in team sports is not only a fantastic way to stay physically active but also an excellent means of building camaraderie and fostering teamwork....


Demolishing the Excuses

Plenty of retirees have worked a lifetime, and many of them are exhausted by the time they arrive. They believe it is time for them...


Breaking The Couch Potato Cycle

Leading a sedentary lifestyle, often colloquially described as being a couch potato, can have detrimental consequences on one's health, including an increased risk of developing...